Egypt Saved Humanity

This article is about what “BBC World News” published on the 13thof August 2023. The aim of that article was to remind the world of what happened in Egypt on that day, ten years ago, at Rabaa location, I mean on the 14th of August 2013.

Though I do respect BBC as a serious news channel, I found that article was not fair in describing what happened at that location.

Here is a small part of the text BBC published:
“Egyptian forces violently dispersed a sit-in protest by supporters of the recently ousted Islamist president. The crackdown on followers of Mohammed Morsi was one of the bloodiest incidents of its kind, and one of Egypt’s darkest moments.”

This is a false picture of what happened.
The so-called peaceful protesters were led by the Muslim Brotherhood and the majority were their followers.

Those “peaceful sitters” occupied the whole area and terrorised the neighbourhood, occupied the roofs of all surrounding buildings to monitor every movement in the area. Christians, in particular, were targeted, threatened, and searched when they came back home from their jobs; many of the inhabitants (many were Muslims) witnessed that their shopping bags were searched and those “peaceful sitters” confiscated what they liked.

The following lines are from BBC’s article:
“I wish I was never alive today” says Amr, who took part in the sit-in that lasted for nearly 50 days, in Rabaa al-Adawiya Square, in the east of the capital.

Unfortunately I cannot use published photos from other sources-without permisson- to show the masses of the people mobilized by
the Muslim Brotherhood.

For about two months, the whole area was blocked by the so-called peaceful protesters. They did not work, but they could eat and drink.  One wonders who supplied food, water, and other necessities to that huge number of sitters? Especially during the month of Ramadan?

The Egyptian authorities appealed countless times to the crowds to end that occupation of the area but they did not listen to anyone.
BBC quoted that Amr saying:
“Humanity was killed in Egypt on that day” he says.”
He says he took part in the sit-in because he feared his country would end up in the hands of the army generals. (Once again BBC is quoting the same Amr.)

Amr and his Muslim Brotherhood want an Egyptian Khalifat with reactionary laws which have nothing to do with the modern era, they want a religious Egypt ruled by Fatwas to please the religious leaders and their own aims.

To make this article short, the Egyptian Army interfered to protect Egypt and the Egyptian people from the tyranny of the islamists. The Egyptians went out in millions begging their loyal army to protect them from the despots of the seventh century.

The Egyptian army is loyal to Egypt and the Egyptian people – unlike other neighbouring countries – where the military is loyal to the president and his klan, having no consideration to the lives and human rights of their fellow citizens.

The Egyptian army is the same army that interfered to stop the bloodbath that could have happened when the revolt of 2011 started.

With the help of loyal and honorable sons of Egypt from the army, police, and every Egyptian who left his/her home, President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisy, who was he Minister of Defence at that time, saved not only Egypt and its people but the whole world from another Iran.

Her is the link to BBC’s Article

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Member of the Swedish Photographers Association. Studied literature and philosophy but settled for photography when came to Sweden.

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